Lab 12: Compute the most frequently used words from the text file

Problem statement

Write a Python program to compute the most frequently used words from the text file.

sample input 0: the peacock is the beautiful bird...
sample output 0: the

sample input 1: sea shells is in the sea shore
sample output 1: sea

sample input 2: It is a quite easy program
sample output 2: There are no frequently used words

Solution Key

def word_freq():
    max = 0
    val = ''
    counter = {}
    f = open('animal.txt', 'r')
    contents =
    words = contents.split()
    for i in range(len(words)):
        words[i] = words[i].strip(',:.;')
        if words[i].lower() not in counter:
            counter[words[i].lower()] = 1
            counter[words[i].lower()] += 1
    for i in counter.keys():
        if counter[i] > max:
            max = counter[i]
            val = i
    return val

CloudCoder Exercise

  • To be created.

Pre Lab Questions

  1. Why is max value is initialised to 0?

  2. What is the purpose of counter={}?

  3. What will the split() function do?

Post Lab Questions

  1. What are the other inbuilt Python functions that can be used for this program?

  2. How do you give the input directly in the program instead of taking the input from .txt file?

Bonus 1

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