Lab 2: Find the square root of a number (Newton’s method)


Problem statement

Implement a python program that determines the square root of a number using the Newton's method.

Sample Input1: 25
Sample Output1: 5

Sample Input2: 9
Sample Output2: 3

Sample Input3: 20
Sample Output3: 4.47213595

Solution Key

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def square_root(number):

    # Newton-Raphson for square root
    # Find x such that x**2 - 24 is within epsilon of 0

    epsilon = 0.01
    k       = number
    guess   = k / 2.0
    while abs(guess * guess - k) >= epsilon:
        guess = guess - (guess ** 2 - k) / (2 * guess)
    return guess

# Program starts here

user_number = int(input('Input number: '))
sqroot_number = square_root(user_number)
print ('The square root of ', user_number, 'is about ', sqroot_number)

CloudCoder Exercise


Pre-Lab Questions

  1. What is the square root of 4? of 9? of 20? (Use your calculator if you have to)

  2. Manually work out the square root of 20 using the Newton method and show your workings.

Post-Lab Questions

  1. Why is the guess initialized to guess = k / 2.0 and not simply guess = k / 2?

  2. There is an in-built function for square root calculation? What is it? Compare it with the value that you have generated through your own program.

Bonus 1

Bonus 2

Bonus 3

Interview Grade

Add some code to the implementation of Newton-Raphson that keeps track of the number of iterations used to find the root. Use that code as part of a program that compares the efficiency of Newton-Raphson and bisection search. Please report which is more efficient. And by how much.

The Newton Method

The most commonly used approximation algorithm is usually attributed to Isaac Newton. It is typically called Newton’s method, but is sometimes referred to as the Newton-Raphson method.15 It can be used to find the real roots of many functions, but we shall look at it only in the context of finding the real roots of a polynomial with one variable. The generalization to polynomials with multiple variables is straightforward both mathematically and algorithmically.

A polynomial with one variable (by convention, we will write the variable as x) is either zero or the sum of a finite number of nonzero terms, e.g., 3x2 + 2x + 3.

Each term, e.g., 3x2, consists of a constant (the coefficient of the term, 3 in this case) multiplied by the variable (x in this case) raised to a nonnegative integer exponent (2 in this case). The exponent on a variable in a term is called the degree of that term. The degree of a polynomial is the largest degree of any single term. Some examples are, 3 (degree 0), 2.5x + 12 (degree 1), and 3x2 (degree 2). In contrast, 2/x and x0.5 are not polynomials. If p is a polynomial and r a real number, we will write p(r) to stand for the value of the polynomial when x = r. A root of the polynomial p is a solution to the equation p = 0, i.e., an r such that p(r) = 0. So, for example, the problem of finding an approximation to the square root of 24 can be formulated as finding an x such that x2 – 24 ≈ 0. Newton proved a theorem that implies that if a value, call it guess, is an approximation to a root of a polynomial, then guess – p(guess)/p’(guess), where p’ is the first derivative of p, is a better approximation.

For any constant k and any coefficient c, the first derivative of cx2 + k is 2cx. For example, the first derivative of x2 – k is 2x. Therefore, we know that we can improve on the current guess, call it y, by choosing as our next guess y - (y2 - k)/2y. This is called successive approximation.

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