Lab 3: Compute power of a number (Exponentiation)

Problem statement

Write a Python program to compute the power of a given number.

Sample Input1: 2,3
Sample Output1: 8

Sample Input2: 0, 3
Sample Output2: 0

Sample Input3: 3,0
Sample Output3: 1

Sample Input4: 2, -3
Sample Output4: 0.125

Sample Input4: 2, "ab"
Sample Output4: Invalid Input

Solution Key

Using for loop

def expo(base, expo):
    ans = 1.0
    if type(base) == str or type(expo) == str:
        return "Invalid Input"
    elif expo >= 0:
        for i in range(1, expo + 1):
            ans = base*ans
        for i in range(expo, 0):
            ans = 1/base*ans
    return ans

Using while loop:

def expo(base, expo):
    ans = 1.0
    if type(base) == str or type(expo) == str:
        return "Invalid Input"
    elif expo >= 0:
        while expo != 0:
            ans *= base
            expo -= 1
        while expo != 0:
            ans *= (1/base)
            expo += 1
    return ans

Using builtin function

import math

def expo(base, expo):
    if type(base) == str or type(expo) == str:
        return "Invalid Input"
        n = math.pow(base, expo)
        return n

Using ** operator:

def expo(base, expo):
    if type(base) == str or type(expo) == str:
        return "Invalid Input"
        base **= expo
        return base - for loop - Builtin func - using ** operator - while loop

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