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Lab 8: Sorting

Sort the given list using selection sort and insertion sort.


Select vs Insert vs Merge vs Quick

  • In selectsort, the position of the update is pre-determined, starting from the end of the list. We then go select the maximum value among the unsorted elements of the list, and swap it with the element in the pre-determined location.

  • In insertsort, given a key, a copy of a pre-determined element in the list, we insert it at the appropriate location after comparing it with the unsorted elements of the list.

  • In mergesort, a divide-and-conquer partitioning algorithm (which more often requires extra memory), the input array is divided in two halves, calls itself recursively for the two halves and then merges the two sorted halves. The merge() function is used for merging two halves.

  • In quicksort, also a divide-and-conquer partitioning algorithm (lends itself to be efficiently implemented in-place without extra memory), the choice of the pivot element determines how the elements get partitioned, and calls itself recursively for the two partitions.

Solution Key

def selectsort(alist):
    for i in range(len(alist)):
        smallest, idx = min(
            (v, i) for i, v in enumerate(alist[i:]))
        alist[i], alist[idx+i] = alist[idx+i], alist[i]
    return alist


def selectsort(alist):
    if not alist: return alist
    smallest = min(alist)
    return [smallest] + selectsort(alist)


Ajeeth selectsort

# remix of code contributed by Ajeeth B (KITE, 2018)
def selsort(a):
    for n in range(len(a)-1):
        sublist = a[n:]
        min_idx = sublist.index(min(sublist))
        a[n+min_idx], a[n] = a[n], a[n+min_idx]
    return a

import bisect
def insert_sort(alist):
    for i in range(len(alist)):
        key = alist.pop()
        bisect.insort(alist, key, hi=i)
    return alist


def insert_sort(alist, i=1):
    if i >= len(alist): return alist
    elem = alist.pop()
    bisect.insort(alist, elem, hi=i)
    return insert_sort(alist, i+1)
from itertools import zip_longest
def mergesort(alist, verbose=False):
    def merge(A, B):
        return [
            (A if A[0] < B[0] else B).pop(0)
            for _ in A + B if len(A) and len(B)
        ] + A + B

    series = [[i] for i in alist]
    while len(series) > 1:
        isl = iter(series)
        series = [
            merge(a, b) if b else a
            for a, b in zip_longest(isl, isl)
    return series[0]
import random
def quicksort(s):
  len_s = len(s)
  if len_s < 2:
    return s
  pivot = s[random.randrange(0, len_s)]

  L = [x for x in s if x < pivot]
  E = [x for x in s if x == pivot]
  G = [x for x in s if x > pivot]

  return quicksort(L) + E + quicksort(G)

lambda version:

from operator import ge, lt

def qsort(L, first=True):
  if len(L) <= 1:
    return L

  L = L[:] if first else L
  pivot = L.pop()
  sublist = lambda op: [n for n in L if op(n, pivot)]

  return [*qsort(sublist(lt), False), pivot, *qsort(sublist(ge), False)] - a video explaining QuickSort incrementally in a CyberDojo session.

What exactly does this accomplish?

from threading import Timer
l = [8, 2, 4, 6, 7, 1]
for n in l:
    Timer(n, lambda x: print(x), [n]).start()

MergeSort description

def merge(A, B):
    return [
        (A if A[0] < B[0] else B).pop(0)
        for _ in A + B if len(A) and len(B)
    ] + A + B

A general purpose merge function which can merge sorted arrays in ascending order of their elements. The merge is accomplished by popping the element from either A or B, and then adding the remnants of A and B.

  • Review the first test in the session.

  • If you attempt to merge two arrays and avoid duplicates, then try

from itertools import zip_longest
def mergesort(alist, verbose=False):
    # breakdown every element into its own list
    series = [[i] for i in alist]
    while len(series) > 1:
        # iterator to handle two at a time in the zip_longest below
        isl = iter(series)
        series = [
            merge(a, b) if b else a
            for a, b in zip_longest(isl, isl)
    return series[0]
  • series starts off with as many lists as there are elements in both the lists.

  • zip_longest is used to handle odd counts in the merging of lists, since it will automatically use a suitable [] element to balance things out, whenever required. The while loop continues until there is only one list in the series.

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