Lab 4: Linear and Binary Search

Given a list containing a list of numbers, find a number in the list using linear search and binary search algorithms.

def linear_search(myl, token):
    found = False
    for number in myl:
        if number == token:
            found = True
    return found

def binary_search(myl, token):
    found = False
    # initialize markers at the edges of the list
    left  = 0
    right = len(myl)-1

    while not found and left <= right:
        mid = (right+left)//2
        midvalue = myl[mid]

        if token == midvalue:
            found = True

        if token > midvalue:
            # for e.g. token is 7 and midval is 5, then
            # shift left marker to the right of mid
            left  = mid + 1
            right = mid - 1

    return found

# Recursive Version
def binary_search_r(myl, token):
    print ("Searching for ", token, "in ", myl)
    left  = 0
    right = len(myl)-1
    mid   = (right + left)//2

    # Terminal conditions for the recursion
    if len(myl) == 0:
        return False
    if myl[mid] == token:
        return True

    # Preparing the arguments for the next recursive call
    if myl[mid] > token:
        myl = myl[:mid]
        myl = myl[mid:]
    return binary_search_r(myl, token)

# Main program starts here

if __name__ == '__main__':

    choice = input("Linear or Binary Search (l/b)? ")
    alist  = input("Enter the list of numbers ")
    token  = input("What to search for? ")

    if (choice == 'b'):
        alist = sorted(alist)
        print (binary_search(alist, token))
        print (linear_search(alist, token))

Pre-Lab Questions

  1. How to calculate midpoint of a list? Which operator is most relevant?

  2. Both Linear search and Binary search expect that the input list to be always sorted. If the list is not sorted, both algorithms will not work. True or False? Explain.

Post-Lab Questions

  1. If the list has 10,000 unsorted positive integers and the number you are searching for is between 1 and 10, which search algorithm will you choose? Binary or Linear? Why?

  2. The bisection algorithm (available in the Python standard library as the bisect module is useful for many applications). Use it to code up the Student Grading challenge available at First read the instructions file for problem statement.


As per the test output, there are four calls made to the binary_search_recursive function before the result is arrived at. What change(s) must be made to the code to reduce the number of calls to three?

  • Binary search Visualization -

    • Simply the very best - comparative, silent and quite effective all the same!

  • For visualizer debugging -

  • Online execution -

  • For Linear Search



Refer to cyberdojo-exercises repo for actual tested code and test cases

  • Use Slice to teach Binary Search, and use Binary Search as use-case for Slicing

  • The code is very simple and elegant to teach and understand

def binary_search(alist, token):
    '''uses slicing instead of left and right markers
    easier to explain, easier to understand by beginners
    while alist:
        mid = len(alist) // 2
        midvalue = alist[mid]

        if token is midvalue:
            return True
        if token < midvalue:
            # for e.g. token is 3, and midvalue is 5
            # throw/slice away the upper half
            alist = alist[:mid]
            # if token is 7, and midvalue is 5
            # throw/slice away the lower half
            alist = alist[mid + 1:]

    return False

Version 2

  • Presenting a non-slice version of the Binary search then become as the the next logical step

def binary_search(alist, token):
    left = 0
    right = len(alist)

    while left < right:
        mid = (left + right) // 2
        midvalue = alist[mid]
        #print(f'\nmid:{mid}, midvalue:{midvalue}')
        if token is midvalue:
            return mid

        if token < midvalue:
            # move right marker to left of mid
            right = mid
            # move left marker to right of mid
            left = mid+1

    return -1

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