Lab 12a: File content sorter


Overall Instructions

  1. Update file with your details

  2. Read the instructions file

  3. Ask your mentor plenty of questions

  4. Modify the basic Python files to solve the problem statement

  5. Incorporate whatever exception handling code that would be appropriate.

Problem Statement

Sort a file of integers

Please read the question carefully - most errors are because you did not read the instructions carefully. Make sure your program produces the expected output, and nothing else. Make sure that the output is in a file called output.txt. Do not use C:\output.txt or any other such path. Similarly, make sure you read the data from input.txt and not from C:\input.txt or anything else. Do not print anything to stdout. Do not prompt the user to enter numbers.

Write a program which will read a bunch of integers from an input file, sort them, and print the sorted result to an output file.

You must read the input from input.txt and you must write the output to output.txt. The input will contain one integer per line, and you’re expected to stop reading when you reach EOF. The output should also have one integer per line.


Do not print anything else to output.txt. Do not print prompts like “Please enter a number.” The output should not contain anything other than the sorted integers, one per line.

If your input is something like this:


The output should be


Important Notes

Please write your program in Python.

You must be able to read the input from a file called input.txt in the current directory. You must be able to read the file in a format exactly as shown above - do not assume that any other information will be provided in the file or on standard input. You must write your output to a file called output.txt in the current directory.

Do not write or print anything else into output.txt other than the expected answer. Do print anything extra to stdout or to the output file (if any).

Read the instructions carefully. Most candidates fail because they did not follow the instructions exactly.

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