FDP for Python
Reason 0
The basis for education in the last millennium was reading, writing, and arithmetic; now it is reading, writing, and computing. - Sedgwick
Reason 1
You can code. They cannot. That is pretty damn cool. - LTHW Python
Reason 2
Python is a multipurpose programming language and widely used for Data Science, which is termed as the sexiest job of this century. - Vinay Babu, DSC
(9.00 - 9.30)
(9.45 - 11.45)
(11.45 - 12.15)
(1.15.00 to 3.15)
(3.30 to 4.30)
Day 1
Why Python?
How to get started: your first program - Extracting a Link
Solving Problem Set
How to repeat - Finding all the links on a page
Solving Problem set
Day 2
Q&A of DAY 1
Data Learning to Crawl
Solving Problem Set
Building an Index
Solving Problem Set
Day 3
Q&A of DAY 2
How Programs Run- Making Things Fast (Performance improvement & Optimization)
Solving Problem Set
How to Have Infinite Power (Recursion)
Solving Problem Set
Day 4
Q&A of DAY 3
How Programs Run- Making Things Fast (Performance improvement & Optimization)
Solving Problem Set
How to Have Infinite Power (Recursion)
Solving Problem Set
Day 5
Q&A of DAY 4
Challenging practice problems
Cumulative Practice Problems
Search Engine Validation
Continuation on Search Engine Validation
Things to Decide
choice of IDE? https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ - is it available online?
CloudCoder problems to go over?
CyberDojo sessions?
Who wants to focus on RPA?
We now can enroll some faculty to become RPA experts / consultants...both in KGCAS and KITE and they can progress on their own to some level of expertise...and take students along.
Draft Agenda
http://bit.ly/fizzBuzzVideoCD for review before workshop
Blockly 10-part challenge and Python equivalent code review
CD-1 review of http://j.mp/fizzBuzzPythonFDP
Part 2 - OOP version Custom Start - http://j.mp/oopFizzBuzzCD
Part 3 - expand CD-2 to output sequence
Part 4 - expand CD-3 to output for FizzBuzzPlus
Learning Pathway
Fundamentals of Python language
Beginner Python video course on Reddit - http://bit.ly/beginnerPython
Problem statements in CyberDojo
subset of solutions in Step 3
Automating Boring stuff in Python
Learn PySpark
Refactor earlier solutions into Pyspark platform
RPA experience on UI-Path
Use Python API to automate some simple tasks on the web
CloudGate exception report generation - is this possible?
Compare two documents using Python - https://github.com/kgisl/project-ideas/blob/master/compareSimilarDocsUsingPython.md and http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/state-of-the-art-machine-learning-automation-with-hdt and http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/advanced-machine-learning-with-basic-excel
Python for Data Science
Read up the write up at http://j.mp/pythonForDataScience.
https://developers.google.com/edu/python/ - At Google, all this material makes up an intensive 2-day class, so the videos are organized as the day-1 and day-2 sections.
Automate the boring stuff using Python
Variant 2
Also read http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/the-guide-to-learning-python-for-data-science-2
https://www.datacamp.com/courses/intermediate-python-for-data-science https://campus.datacamp.com/courses/pandas-foundations/data-ingestion-inspection?ex=1
Last updated